Tenure Holds and Rollbacks

Policy Information

In the event that the undertaking of certain responsibilities leaves a tenure-track assistant professor unable to perform the functions of his/her position, the tenure probationary period for the faculty member may be interrupted. These responsibilities include those following the birth or adoption of a child, or those associated with a serious health condition of the faculty member, or the care of a family member with a serious health condition. A leave of absence (with or without pay) may be associated with these events. Providing adequate support to these faculty members may be essential to their success in achieving promotion and tenure. Therefore, it is recommended that assistant professors, who experience one of the situations noted above during their tenure-track probationary period, should consider the option of a one-year tenure hold during the year in which they experience the event. Automatic and approved tenure holds should not be done during the year of the tenure-track probationary period in which the assistant professor is considered for promotion and tenure.

There are two types of tenure hold: Automatic Tenure Hold and Approved Tenure Hold. In general candidates typically do not have more than 2 holds in total during the course of their probationary period. In unusual circumstances, additional rollbacks may be applied for, however, they will require additional documentation and approvals.

  1. Automatic Tenure Hold: A one-year tenure hold will be automatic under each event for an assistant professor in the tenure probationary period who becomes the parent of a child by birth or adoption regardless of whether they take Parental Leave or Family and Medical Leave. This applies to both men and women, and includes same-sex domestic partnerships that are recognized by the University. The tenure hold will become automatic upon notification to Faculty Affairs Human Resources (FAHR), through the department and College, via the completion of the Automatic Tenure Hold Request Form by the assistant professor – this Form is signed by the executive officer and sent to Assistant Dean Karen Sholeen. Notification should be done prior to or after, but no later than 3 months following, the birth or adoption. Non-completion of this form assumes that the assistant professor has opted out of a tenure hold. Ordinarily no more than two such holds (including tenure rollbacks) should be granted. Any further tenure hold request will require special documentation/justification and approvals. Consultation with Faculty Affairs HR is required in such cases.The faculty member should consider the impact of holding or not holding their tenure clock. If a decision is made not to hold the tenure clock (and therefore no Form is completed) and it is determined at a later date that progress toward promotion and tenure is not on track, the assistant professor must make a formal written request for a tenure rollback (see policy on Tenure Rollback).
  2. Approved Tenure Hold: A one-year tenure hold may be requested when a tenure-track assistant professor experiences an event that makes them unable to perform the functions of their position. Such events include a serious health condition or the care of a family member with a serious health condition.Under the above circumstances, the assistant professor or his/her designee should notify their department head/chair that he/she is requesting a tenure hold. The completed Approved Tenure Hold Request Form should be signed by the executive officer and sent to Assistant Dean Karen Sholeen. Ordinarily no more than two such holds (including tenure rollbacks) should be granted. Any further tenure hold request will require special documentation/justification and approvals. Consultation with Faculty Affairs HR is required in such cases

APPLICABILITY: Applicable to tenure-track faculty holding at least a 51 percent time appointment under the rank of assistant professor. Applicability does not extend to assistant professors with less than a 50 percent appointment or assistant professors appointed with the modifier of “adjunct,” “clinical,” “research,” “visiting,” or those appointed on a Special Written Agreement Regarding Tenure (“W” Agreement).

If a leave of absence is considered for either the Automatic and the Approved Tenure Hold, the assistant professor should consult with their departmental or college human resources contact to determine whether a leave of absence is appropriate and if so, whether the leave will be paid, unpaid, or a combination (leave period may exceed available sick leave and/or vacation time).

The faculty member must meet all the eligibility requirements of the leave and must provide the required documentation as outlined in the Family and Medical Leave Act Policy. Notice of 30 calendar days before the begin date of the Family and Medical leave (with or without pay) should be given to the department administrator if the leave is foreseeable based on planned medical treatment. Otherwise, as much notice as possible should be given.

An interruption of the probationary period (rollback in the tenure year code) may be granted for one year upon request when an event or compelling circumstances cause substantial impairment of a candidate’s ability to pursue his or her teaching, scholarly activities, and/or service. Examples of situations in which rollbacks may be granted include: disability or extended and/or severe personal illness; compelling obligations to a member of the family or household that require significant time away from University duties; and circumstances beyond the control of the faculty member, such as grave administrative error.

The candidate’s record before the event must be consistent with the preservation of institutional quality. The guiding principle is that the candidate is making appropriate, demonstrable progress toward attaining indefinite tenure. Confidentiality relating to the grounds of the request will be maintained. No more than two such rollbacks will be granted. Requests for rollbacks should be initiated in writing by the faculty member, endorsed by executive officer, and then sent to Assistant Dean Karen Sholeen.

At all stages of the tenure review process it must be emphasized that reviewers should evaluate the scholarship since the previous personnel action and NOT the number of calendar years. In addition, the reason for the tenure rollback should not be discussed or considered in the evaluation of the candidate.