P-Cards and T-Cards
P-CARDS AND T-CARDS Heading link
The University of Illinois Procurement Card and Travel Card programs, referred to as the P-Card and T-Card respectively simplifies purchase and payment for items costing up to $4,999. These cards are an efficient method for purchasing qualified supplies, small equipment, and travel and business meals. P-Cards cannot be used for travel or business meals and T-Cards are restricted to only travel and business meals. The use and management of these cards are subject to myriad policies and procedures which can be accessed at https://www.obfs.uillinois.edu/card-services/. This website has links to University policies, procedures and job aids for administration, training, roles and responsibilities, restricted and prohibited purchases and consequences of non-compliance.
Executive officers are responsible for the management of these card programs in their unit. This includes determining who is authorized to have a card and their card limits, assigning those who will function in the various roles (Department Card Manager, Cardholder, P/T Card Managers, P/T Card Charge Code Reviewer), and taking corrective action for non-compliance. The Dean retains authority to revoke or restrict card privileges for any employee in the College.
To limit exposure, executive officers should be judicious in the number of cards they authorize and should seek to limit the number of cards to the minimum necessary for the unit to function efficiently. Card limits should be set at the minimum necessary for the cardholder to do their work. Cards should only be issued to responsible and trustworthy staff with purchasing responsibilities. In rare instances, it may be necessary for faculty with authority over research or other funds that have been specifically segregated for their use. However, the existence of such funds does not automatically entitle a faculty to a Card. Cards may never be issued to students.
Please note:
- Cards can only be used by the person to whom it is issued. It may not be lent to others, including employees in the same department.
- There is a long list of restricted and prohibited purchases associated with each card. These lists can be accessed through links on the website provided above.
- If a card is lost or stolen the bank must be notified immediately to eliminate unit liability for any charges incurred as a result of the loss or theft.